Guilford College,  Truth to Power; Re-centering Healing, Reconciliation and Transformative Justice, 3th Annual Bayard Rustin Symposium. International Civil Rights Museum, Greensboro, NC. 
Queer Film Festival Vancouver, August 18th. Vancouver, Canada.  The Glasshouse, Brooklyn, New York. Intesections, film screening and performance,
Savannah College of Art and Design,  Savannah, Georgia. Screening and workshop.
The Apothecary, Asheville, NC. Screening and performance,
North Carolina Film & Video Festival, University of North Carolina, Screening and workshop.
Routes to Roots, program for queer migrant youth Qmmunity Center, Vancouver, Canada 
Citizen U,  Anti-descrimination and anti-oppresion program, Vancouver, Canada.
Elsewhere Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina. Screening and workshop.